Our clinic specialises in providing expert psychological support for children and parents, designed to strengthen family bonds and promote emotional well-being. With a focus on child development and parental guidance, our team of clinical psychologists offers personalised care to help navigate challenges and create a positive, nurturing environment for your family

Some information about our clinic
Book a space for our online parent consultation clinic to seek advice from a Chartered Senior Clinical Psychologist. We provide information and advice specific to parents and expectant parents. You can attend a consultation to seek advice about your own experiencing of parenting (for example: pregnancy anxiety, emotional preparation for parenthood, parent/child attachment, parent identity, returning to work, general mental health) or about a concern relating to a child aged between 0-12 years (for example: feeding, sleeping, toileting, mood, emotional regulation).
A few important notes:
We do not meet directly with your child as part of consultation clinics. We ask that children are not present on screen. Information is provided to parents/guardians only.
We will provide advice and information to the best of our clinical knowledge and within our competency area of professional clinical psychology. Where we believe that further specialist advice is needed we will provide signposting information for other services, however it is the parents' responsibility to follow up on this advice independently.
Where possible it is helpful if both parents attend consultations (however, we appreciate this is not always feasible).
As clinical psychologists are are mandated reporters under Children's First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017). This means that where we become concerned about any potential risk posed to a child, either currently or in the past, we are required by law to report these concerns to the Child and Family Agency (TUSLA) with all relevant information we are aware of.
In order to maintain the safety of all those using our services, we request emergency contact information at booking. Provision of this information serves as consent for us to make contact with emergency contacts in the case that we become aware of a potential medical or welfare emergency during a consultation.
As is standard procedure in all clinical services, we maintain brief clinical notes describing the interaction and advice provided. As per GDPR guidelines, this information is stored electronically in password-protected files and on encrypted, secure drives.